BANDA HISTORIA (Bastoria) is a scientific journal organized by Department of Educational History, University of Banda Naira (UBN). This journal is a medium for scholarly discussion, description based on research study concerning history, education, culture, and interdisciplinary studies. This journal publishes two thematic issues per year in May and November. Banda Historia has become part of CrossRef, which manages DOI through RJI with the prefix DOI 10.62176.

BANDA HISTORIA (Bastoria) is a scientific journal organized by Department of Educational History, University of Banda Naira (UBN). This journal is a medium for scholarly discussion, description based on research study concerning history, education, culture, and interdisciplinary studies. This journal publishes two thematic issues per year in May and November. Banda Historia has become part of CrossRef, which manages DOI through RJI with the prefix DOI 10.62176.

 Journal title BANDA HISTORIA (Bastoria)
 Subjects This journal is a medium for scholarly discussion, description based on research study concerning history, education, culture, and interdisciplinary studies
 Language English (preferred)
 ISSN E-ISSN: 2986-4143
 Frequency Twice a year in May and November
 DOI 10.62176
 Editor-in-chief Kasman Renyaan
 Publisher Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah-Universitas Banda Naira
 Citation Analysis Google Scholar

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Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): BANDA HISTORIA : Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah dan Studi Budaya


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